Friday, April 25, 2014

Faith Binds the Foundation

Over the course of my life I have had some mighty big ups and downs in the faith department. I cannot honestly say that I've always had it. In fact, there was a time where it didn't exist in my vocabulary. Sad, huh? But, there have been other times where it is the only thing that I could rely on. I've thought about this. I've thought about how I could be so hot and so cold and I've concluded something very important:

  it's on ME! it's on ME! it's on ME! It's on ME! It's On ME! Shoot dang! It's totally, absolutely, 100%, fully ON ME.

Why is it that I always seem to forget that at the most convenient times? Ugh, this human experience is harder than I imagined sometimes.

God ALWAYS shows His love. He doesn't stop loving us EVER. So when I am not feeling His love it's because I am not opening my heart to Him. I have got to open my heart every day! I have got to wear His jersey night and day with Him in mind. No matter what I do, no matter what the obstacle, I have got to remember, remember the rock on which I am built, yea even a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if I continue to build I cannot fall; yea a foundation on JESUS CHRIST.

Faith is the binding agent that keeps our foundations solid. And when those trials start beating on us, and the adversary starts telling us lies, we have got to fortify ourselves in faith! Faith that God does, indeed love us. Faith that Our Savior has felt all our pains and troubles. Faith that we can access His power when we truly want to and humble ourselves to ask.

It's tough. Oh, but the fruit is desirable above all other fruit.

Jesus Christ is the way! I have faith that He can heal us continually! DO YOU?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Choose the Right Way and Be HAPPY

While I was in the Missionary Training Center a member of the seventy in our church, Elder Enrique Falabella gave a talk that will forever be ingrained in my heart.

It was a single phrase that stuck in my brain.

"The easiest path is what makes MEN and RIVERS crooked."

No lie, I was confused at first too. Good thing he explained that it is because water takes the path of least resistance and that usually doesn't go in a straight path. phew.

So, maybe you're wondering why this is important enough to stick with me my whole mission. Well, its something I've been wondering too! So, I decided to think about it. shocker.

Here's a fun Sister Taualii fact: I am ALL about the easy way! I like to chill. It's kinda my thing. If a task seems too difficult I will forgo doing it.

Since Elder Falabella said this statement my life has been about others. It has been constantly working from 6:30 a.m till 9:00 p.m. I have been on the Lord's errand, telling all those who'll listen about Christ.

I totally search for the easy way of doing this work. But there isn't one. It's all about hard work. It's all about obedience because when we are obedient to the commandments and the missionary guidelines those we work with are blessed! It's super swell!

So, moral of the story: Search for doing things God's way, not the easy way. You will bless  your life and the life of others. AND..... it will make you HAPPY!!!!