Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Mission is His

A couple years ago I sat my dad down and told him I want to serve a mission. He wanted to make sure I was going for the right reasons because at the time I was fresh out of college and unemployed with no direction of where my life was headed. When my dad asked me why I want to serve a mission I didn't answer right away. I wanted my words to be right and those of you who know me would know that I definately dont think things through before I speak. I told him the truth. I said, " I want to serve a mission because I want to serve my Heavenly Father. I want to give a year and a half of my life to pay Him back for the blessings He has given me." Now, seeing those words written out I can tell you it wasn't as eloquent, but thats the gist. I have a very clear understanding of my reasons behind this huge decision. I know that this Gospel can change lives because it has changed mine. Sure, I grew up in the church, but I also strayed from the teachings. I lived in the world and did all the worldly things we are warned to stay away from. Thinking back I don't remember feeling particularly happy. I had my moments and I enjoyed myself, but in the last year I have come to understand true happiness. Here's a hint, you cannot buy it. I have read the Book of Mormon. I have felt the truth in those words and I feel the joy of the Spirit daily. Granted, sometimes I have bad days, but every single day I feel the Spirit. I feel my Savior's love for me. Not because someone told me how to feel it or because I grew up in the church, but because I've come to know how it feels for me. My life was just sort of rolling along. It was happening to me. Today, I know I have a purpose on this earth as we all do. I am serving a mission so that I may help others feel this eternal happiness, this eternal love that our Heavenly Father has for us. The time I have spent in the service of my Heavenly Father has been the most joyous time of my life. I know He loves me and I know He loves YOU!

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