Tuesday, January 21, 2014

every ONE

Howard W. Hunter said,

"Heaven's emphasis is on each individual, on every single person." 

I LOVE that. It lets me know that God loves ME. Who I am and what I am. There are lots of reasons I know that God cares about each of us individually, but here are 3 that I have thought about lately:

1: We are His children. What?! Yep, We are God's kids. He wants each of us to succeed. He has given us every tool possible to help us to do so. And not only succeed, but be able to stand on our own. He wants us to return to Him one day and say, "Hey dad, Look what I did with the life you gave me." In the Bible we learn that we are the children of God "and if children then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ." - Romans 8: 16-17

2: He gave us families. The purpose of our families is to help us grow individually. We each have a different family life. We each play a different role in our families. They are tailored to helping us make the most progression possible. It all gives us experience. "...know thou, that ALL these things shall give thee EXPERIENCE, and shall be for thy good." - Doctrine and Covenants 122:7

3: He gave us agency. The ability to choose is crucial to our learning and growing he
re on this earth! Heavenly Father knows that by giving us the ability to choose for ourselves we are going to KNOW happiness. Forcing a kid to eat his lima beans doesn't usually result in him growing up to like lima beans very much. Heavenly Father doesn't force us to learn His gospel, He provides us with the opportunity to choose for ourselves BECAUSE He loves us!

I know God knows ME. He knows what things I need to learn in order to reach my full potential as His daughter and even when I don't recognize His hand in my life I still feel Him there. Guiding me on my path back to Him.

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