Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies

There is something that I just LOVE about being a human being. It may sound a little crazy, but you need to know that I love chocolate chip cookies. Yes, it is true. I cannot pass up a good old fashioned chocolate chip cookie and Ill tell you why: It is perfection of the cookie variety. So, right about now you might be wondering how this relates to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Well, I shall explain.

Chocolate chip cookies don't just happen! Sometimes (when I am the one making them) they don't end up tasting so good. Sad, I know. But, they do taste wonderful when the recipe is followed. I have learned that to make a chocolate chip cookie worth the calories following the recipe to a tee is absolutely vital!!!

So, again I ask how does this relate to the Gospel? I'm getting there.....calm down

Growing up going to church the teachers would ask us questions such as "What can you do to grow closer to Heavenly Father?" And we would respond in 3 standard ways I lovingly call "Sunday School Answers":




and every once in a while a kid would yell out PRAY again for good measure.

These Sunday School Answers have gotten a bad rep for being used too much as answers to, but as I've thought more about them I have realized that they are the recipe for happiness! All of these things are needed to make happiness last. If we forget to add one of the ingredients we can feel a difference.

WHY? Great question.

Praying helps us to grow closer to our Heavenly Father. As we grow closer to Him and council (Alma 37:37) with Him we feel HAPPY! It is true. I promise. Try it. Now.

Reading the scriptures gives us more knowledge! Not the worldly kind of knowledge, but knowledge of our purpose on this earth and we can gain an eternal perspective which makes us HAPPY!

Going to church allows us to refuel our spiritual tanks. It gives us the strength to get through the week and be spiritually fed which makes us..., yep you guessed it, HAPPY!

So, hopefully you no longer wonder what the recipe for happiness is, but in case you missed it here it is:


1. Daily Prayer (often and always)

2. Daily Scripture Study ( for more happiness read even more)

3. Go to Church (Each Sunday partake of the Sacrament.)

For added flavor and increased happiness you may choose to add some other amazing things to this already fantastic recipe (Personally I enjoy these added ingredients: smile, help others, go to the temple, be a missionary)

Once you've perfected this recipe please feel free to pass it along!

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