Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Righteous Leaders- Stand Tall

Here's what I know about righteous leaders: 1. They are humble. I love this trait in a person because it shows that they understand who they are, children of God. They know that He gives them EVERYTHING they have and they turn to Him constantly. My friend recently told me that humility is NOT recognizing our weaknesses when our strengths are pointed out, but it's recognizing that our strengths are given to us by our Heavenly Father. 2. They have the Light of Christ illuminating through them! No one can dim their light and that is awesome! "...the light of the glory of God, which was a marvelous light of goodness- yea, THIS LIGHT HAD INFUSED SUCH JOY INTO HIS SOUL..." 3. They teach obedience and they LIVE it. No one likes to be told what to do, but righteous leaders always show others how to follow God by example. 4. They understand their vision. Righteous leaders are in tune with the Holy Ghost. They align their will with God's and they conduct themselves in that manner. 5. They sacrifice. Good leaders sacrifice many important things, but righteous leaders sacrifice everything. They put aside their natural desires and give themselves fully to the Lord. They do this because they have an Eternal Perspective. They understand that this mortal life is temporary and they need to be valiant in fighting for God in order to help their brothers and sisters returning with honor to our Father. 6. They are courageous. They know they are acting in the Lord's work and they will stand tall against the adversary no matter what form it takes. Courage is more than talk, it is action The Perfect example of righteous leadership is undoubtedly Jesus Christ. He gives us the blueprint and each of us can rise up to become righteous leaders in our homes, at work, and in every aspect of our lives. Be of a good courage and Be a righteous leader!

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